Gods of The Game

Ma'at (Ma)


The wife of Thoth, Ma'at's name means "Truth", "Justice", and perhaps even "Tao". It cannot readily be rendered into English but "truth" is perhaps a satisfactory translation. Ma'at was represented as a tall woman with an ostrich feather in her hair. She was present at the judgement of the dead; her feather was balanced against the heart of the deceased to determine whether he had led a pure and honest life. All civil laws in Egypt were held up to the "Law of Ma'at", which essentially was a series of old conceptions and morals dating to the earliest times in Egypt. A law contrary to the Law of Ma'at would not have been considered valid in Egypt.

In The Game

When you build an Altar of Ma'at, She bestows, through the priests of Ra, a calming effect upon the city. As they pass by houses, they lower the likelihood that the house will unleash a criminal. The simple presence of the Altar reduces the city's overall risk of crime breaking out.


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