How Dakhla Works

Headline: Here's the deal with Dakhla
Poster: Balshazaar @ Impressions
Date: 01/13/00 20:34:06

This is how Dakhla works: There is a request for 15-20 wood or bricks at the end of April, 4-5 years into the mission. (These are variable)The request is from Dunqul. If you fill the request late, the trade route to Dunqul will open. If you fill it on time, you will be offered a gift of meat. Basically, to make things simple, do not refuse or forfeit the gift of meat. Accept the gift of meat. Then the trade route to Dunqul will open and granite will be available. If you do not comply to the request for wood/bricks (in other words, if you refuse it) then your Kingdom Rating will drop and Dunqul will never open as a trade city, you will never get granite, and you will have to restart the mission in order to win.


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