Commodity Prices

Here is a table of the buying and selling prices of commodities in the Kingdom. These prices may be changed during the course of the game.

Item Buyers Pay Sellers Get
Barley 48 37
Beer 185 140
Bricks 150 120
Chickpeas 33 25
Clay 38 29
Copper 240 185
Figs 33 25
Fish 42 33
Flax 54 42
Game Meat 44 34
Gems 120 92
Grain 28 21
Granite 60 45
Lettuce 33 25
Limestone 46 35
Linen 210 160
Lux Goods 310 150
Meat 47 35
Papyrus 200 165
Plain Stone 38 29
Pottery 140 105
Reeds 31 23
Sandstone 40 32
Straw 21 16
Weapons 325 275
Wood 225 170

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