"Prosper this realm, keep it from civil broils, Combat with adverse planets in the heavens!"


Building Guides

Building Blocks An eight page guide to putting a housing block together
A City's First Year The most important part of the game - screw this one up, and, chances are, you're history. This guide uses Tingis, but the methods can be used in any city.
Connecting Blocks A diagram showing how to connect two or more housing blocks together and share some services.
Lugdunum A detailed guide to building Lugdunum. The basic principals described here can be used in any city. You can download saved cities at four different stages of the game.
Palace Chart A very nice looking palace block sent to me by a reader.
Palace Diagram A Diagram of a block of six luxury palaces
Palace - Another Diagram A diagram of a block of six luxury palaces draped about a hippodrome.
Palaces If you need to get a prosperity rating much above 50, palaces are a good way to go. Assuming you have the resources, you might as well go for the gusto, and build luxury palaces while you are at it. This guide shows you a neat way to do just that.
Saved Cities Some examples of cities, that to some extent, resemble real cities.



