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Sierra/Impressions | Tilted Mill

City Adonis: Results

Congratulations to the winners, and all the participants!

Hard Difficulty

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Winner Lobo22

Good use of walls, nice maze, good layout overall!

2 Elf

Neat and symetrical layout,nice maze, overuse of roads in central plaza and some houses devolving.
3 joshofet

Nice layout if rather sparse, a lot of blank patches, overuse of roads in plaza.

Easy Difficulty

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Winner Iceman413

Neat symetrical layout forming a tidy compact city.
Runner up RaPaul

Nice compact city following natural contours of the rivers, good use of walls but some low level housing
3 Cazy

A nice layout, but overuse of ornamentation lets this entry down.
4 Traxia

Neat symetrical housing blocks with good placing of graneries, but little use of ornamentation.
5 Blacqmist
Nice housing blocks, but there are many open spaces that could have been used more effectively.

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